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Free Chart Comparing IEPs to 504 Plans

Unsure whether your child qualifies for an IEP or 504 Plan — or even what the difference is? Use this free downloadable comparison chart to assess your options, understand your legal rights, and research school accommodations.

For kids with ADHD or a learning disability like dyslexia, school accommodations and services can do a world of good — academically, emotionally, and socially. But the legal jargon, pushback from administrators, and process hoops can be disheartening for parents struggling to sort out whether their child qualifies for help.

That’s where this free guide comes in. In a straightforward chart, we outline the big differences between IEPs and 504 Plans: what law each is protected by, what kinds of students generally qualify for which plans, and what the process will most likely look like — allowing you to advocate for your child to the best of your ability. On top of that, we’ve gathered up several quick tips — devised by some of the top experts on special education law — to help you master this complex legal process.

If you’re unsure whether your child qualifies for an IEP or 504 Plan — or what the difference is between accommodations and services, anyway — start here. Use this chart to make sense of the law and assess which special education plan best suits your child’s unique needs.

P.S. As an added bonus, we’ve included a few sample plans to help you get started!

NOTE: This resource is for personal use only.