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Free Handout: How to Manage Your Time at Work

You have a challenging job — and ADHD. So chances are you also struggle with inattention, with organizing complex project, and with finishing what you start. Use this advice to be more productive at work.

This one-page handout identifies ten simple steps that adults with ADHD can take to avoid the two most common workplace liabilities: lost productivity and even possible termination.

Sure, the condition makes it harder to get organized or stay focused. But it can also mean unparallelled innovation, dynamic interpersonal skills, and creative leadership.

These tricks – like adding physical activity to your routine and setting a timer for each task – will help you learn to get things done when deadlines are looming.

Laminate it, and keep it in the top drawer of your desk.

This quick-reference is a must read (and repeat) for any office.

NOTE: This resource is for personal use only.