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Your Free Guide to Ending Confrontations and Defiance

When your traditional discipline methods aren’t working, what do you do? Change focus. More specifically, change your mindset about bad behavior and consequences, and manage your own mood to model how to behave in stressful situations.

ADHD and Defiance

When your child acts out, your actions need to convey, “I’m in control, and everything’s OK. I’m not going to freak out, no matter what happens.” Easier said than done, right?

This one-page, quick reference card has ten rules that make saying calm, and keeping kids from melting down a little bit easier with tips like:

1. Treat before you punish
2. Act like a cop
3. Be clear about consequences
4. Determine the true cause
And six more!

With this in hand, you can look forward to fewer outbursts or overreactions. With a simple change in perspective, things will improve.