ADHD Medication and Treatment Reviews


What is Forbrain?

Forbrain is a headset with an electronic filter that blocks out environmental noise, enhancing certain patterns of your voice and delivering the sound waves to your brain directly via bone structure. Repetitive use of the Forbrain headset, used with or without an affiliated therapist, may help to improve the following:

  • short-term and verbal memory
  • attention
  • ability to stay on task
  • concentration and focus
  • speech, pronunciation, and fluency
  • reading and writing skills

How does Forbrain work?

Forbrain uses amplified bone conduction to transmit the sound of your voice 10 times faster and with greater clarity than air conduction. A dynamic filter strengthens specific frequencies of speech and repeatedly surprises the brain to improve memory, attention, and sensory processing. An auditory feedback loop corrects how you hear your own voice with the intention of improving speech production for increased confidence.

The following usage periods are suggested for optimal effect:

  • Ages 4 and younger: 10 minutes daily
  • 5-15 years: 15 minutes daily
  • Teenager & adult: 20 minutes daily
  • Senior: 30 minutes daily
  • Intensive (at least 15): 3 x 20 minutes daily

Who is Forbrain for?

Forbrain is for children and adults who want to improve verbal or short-term memory, communication, and attention at home, at work, or at school.

What studies have been done on Forbrain?

The Forbain web site contains detailed information about multiple peer-reviewed and clinical studies on the effectiveness of Forbrain for various audiences and challenges.

How much does Forbrain cost?

One headset unit costs $299.

Where can I learn more about Forbrain?

Learn more at and on the ADDitude web site.