Your Turn: “What are your strategies for dealing with anxiety?”

Managing ADHD symptoms is challenging. Anxiety makes the task more difficult. Our readers share how they cool it when worry overtakes them.

Vaccuming and cleaning are ways to cope with anxiety and depression
Vaccuming and cleaning are ways to cope with anxiety and depression

ADDitude asked: What are your strategies for dealing with anxiety?

I write in a journal to get bad thoughts out of my head. This allows me to see them objectively, instead of having them run around in my brain. -An ADDitude Reader

Medication works best for my son. Swimming and the Lego First Robotics League at school also calm him down. -Jamye, Colorado

When I’m anxious, I try to clear my mind, to be present and in the moment. -Debi, California

We call anxiety “worry bugs.” They are little bothersome thoughts that get stuck in our head, and we have strategies to push them away. We try breathing the “worry bugs” away or talking them away. Or we might do something else to take our minds off of them. -D.S., Minnesota

We try to find the humor in the situation that is worrying us. We change what we can and accept what we can’t. We always look for the positives. -J.H., California

I practice yoga, get plenty of sleep, and maintain a healthy diet. I take a break when I need one. -Tereza, New York

I tell my son to take one day at a time, and that some days will be better than others. I teach him to remove himself from an anxiety-filled situation, even for a moment, to calm himself down. -Heather, Connecticut

I breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth, nice and slow. -B., Massachusetts

When my anxiety is out of control, I clean house to calm myself down. -Karen, Washington

I walk and spend time with my pets. -Ginger, New Mexico

When my son gets anxious, I remind him about the good things he does. When I get anxious, I look at a picture of my son, with the following message taped to the bottom: “You might be just one person to the world, but to me, you are the world.” -Tania, Puerto Rico