Inside the ADHD mind

Decision 1: What should I consider when developing a comprehensive treatment plan for ADHD?

ADHD TREATMENT: What are the recommended first-line treatments?

A: The therapeutic approach to ADHD has been shifting. In some cases, environmental restructuring and behavioral therapy alone has been effective. The medications of choice are stimulants, and… | Keep reading on Medscape »

PEDIATRIC GUIDELINES: What are the AAP guidelines for treating ADHD in children?

A: In 2019, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released updated guidelines on attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) that… | Keep reading on Medscape »

ADULT GUIDELINES: Do U.S. practice guidelines for adult ADHD exist?

A: APSARD is currently establishing guidelines for ADHD in adults — the first of its kind in the country — set for release in 2023… | Keep reading on ADDitude »

MEDICATION: What are ADHD’s first-line pharmacological treatments?

A: Although stimulants for adult ADHD are associated with the highest treatment response rates, other medications are options… | Keep reading on MDedge »

NON-PHARMACOLOGICAL: What research-validated complementary therapies exist for the treatment of ADHD?

A: Families can positively impact ADHD symptoms by modifying their environments in three simple ways: through sleep, exercise, and food changes. Here’s how… | Keep reading on ADDitude »


Integrated Care for Children with ADHD: How to Form a Cross-Functional Care Team

Expert Webinar with Leslie F. Graham, MSW, Douglas Russell, M.D., and Sheryl Morelli, M.D. | Listen now on ADDitude »

Lifestyle Changes with the Biggest Impact on Kids with ADHD

Expert Webinar with Sandy Newmark, M.D. | Listen now on ADDitude »

7-Week Guide to Treating ADHD, from Medscape x MDedge x ADDitude:

> DECISION 1: What should I consider to develop a comprehensive ADHD treatment plan?
DECISION 2: What medications and other approaches should I turn to as first-line treatments for ADHD?
DECISION 3: How can I decide which ADHD medication to prescribe first?
DECISION 4: What challenges and side effects should I anticipate from ADHD medications, and how should I address them?
DECISION 5: How can I improve treatment outcomes for patients with ADHD and comorbid diagnoses?
DECISION 6: What dietary, behavioral, or other complementary interventions should I recommend to patients with ADHD?
DECISION 7: How should I follow up with patients with ADHD, and what should we discuss during these checkups?

Updated on May 5, 2023