“What’s Eating Your Child?” [Video Replay & Podcast #58]

Access the video replay, listen to the podcast episode (#58), and download the slide presentation for this ADHD Experts Webinar originally broadcast on April 24, 2014

Episode Description

In this audio webinar and slide presentation of “What’s Eating Your Child?” Kelly Dorfman, MS, LND, discusses:

  • The culprit foods you should eliminate from your child’s diet
  • Key nutrients your child might not be getting enough of
  • The lowdown on food dyes, gluten sensitivity, and ADHD

Watch the Video Replay

Enter your email address in the box above labeled “Video Replay + Slide Access” to watch the video replay (closed captions available) and download the slide presentation.

Download or Stream the Podcast Audio

Click the play button below to listen in your browser. Mobile users can open this episode in: Apple Podcasts; Google Podcasts; Stitcher; Spotify; iHeartRADIO

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Meet the expert:

Author of Cure Your Child with Food: The Hidden Connection Between Nutrition and Childhood Ailments (#CommissionsEarned), Kelly Dorfman is a nutrition detective who works collaboratively with other medical professionals around the country to help children and adults with complex ailments and symptoms. After 30 years of listening to clients describe their situations, she knows how to identify core issues quickly. She then carefully employs tried-and-true strategies grounded in research to attain the best results over time.

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