“ADHD and LD: Diagnosing and Managing Learning Disabilities in Adults and Kids” [podcast episode #67]

In ADDitude’s ADHD Experts Podcast episode 67, Nancie Payne, Ph.D., explains how to tell, and the right way to diagnose and manage an LD at school and on the job.

Concept de la connaissance avec un livre qui s’ouvre comme une porte ouverte sur le savoir symbolisé par la lumière.
Concept de la connaissance avec un livre qui s’ouvre comme une porte ouverte sur le savoir symbolisé par la lumière.

Listen to “ADHD and LD: Diagnosing and Managing Learning Disabilities in Adults and Kids” with Nancie Payne Ph.D.

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Click here to access the original webinar broadcast and accompanying slides.

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Do you or your child have a learning disability in addition to or instead of ADHD? Nancie Payne Ph.D. explains how to tell and the right way to diagnose and manage an LD at school and on the job.

Recommended resources: 

This ADHD Experts webinar was first broadcast live on June 12, 2014.


Note on audio quality: This podcast is a recording of a webinar series, and the audio has been captured from telephone conversations, not recorded in a studio. Register to participate in the live webinars at: www.additude.com/webinars/

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