“ADHD Myths and the Shame They Perpetuate” [podcast episode #163]

Access the video replay, listen to the podcast episode (#163), and download the slide presentation for this ADHD Experts webinar originally broadcast on October 6, 2016.

Episode Description

The myths and lies surrounding ADHD are as ignorant and unfounded as they are hurtful. Michele Novotni talks speaks on common myths about ADHD and how to overcome the shame and embarrassment they cause.

Watch the Video Replay

Enter your email address in the box above labeled “Video Replay + Slide Access” to watch the video replay (closed captions available) and download the slide presentation.

Download or Stream the Podcast Audio

Click the play button below to listen in your browser. Mobile users can open this episode in: Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsStitcherSpotifyiHeartRADIO.

Read More on ADHD Myths

Meet the Expert Speaker

Michele Novotni, Ph.D., is an internationally recognized expert in the field of ADHD. She is the former president and CEO of the national Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA), an inspiring speaker, best selling author, psychologist, coach, and parent of a young adult with ADHD. For more information on Dr. Novotni and her programs and services, please visit her website at michelenovotni.com

Listener testimonials:

  • “As a prospective School Counselor in NYC, these podcasts are invaluable. Thank you.”
  • ” I was able to relate with a lot of the information that was shared and was feeling validated for once. “
  • “This one was great! At our first meeting, my sons high school counselor actually said to me ‘Have you tried punishing him?’ I wish I’d had a better understanding and response then. Next time, and of course there’ll be a next time, I won’t be caught off guard.”

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