“Lessons Learned — and Shared — by Homeschool Families That Help All Students” [Video Replay & Podcast #170]

Access the video replay, listen to the podcast episode (#170), and download the slide presentation for this ADHD Experts webinar originally broadcast on December 1, 2016.

Episode Description

The notion of homeschooling your child is equal parts enticing and overwhelming. The investments of time and money, potential for social isolation, and family-dynamic considerations are all intimidating. Yet many parents find that a customized homeschool education can nurture a child’s strengths, improve his academic performance, boost his self-esteem, and reduce family stress.

Families that homeschool make the world their classroom, and encourage students to build on their passions through a flexible curriculum and appropriate accommodations. But if your family cannot homeschool, listen up: These academic and psychological benefits need not apply only to homeschooled students. They can be harnessed and applied creatively for children enrolled in mainstream schools as well.

Watch the Video Replay

Enter your email address in the box above labeled “Video Replay + Slide Access” to watch the video replay (closed captions available) and download the slide presentation.

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Read More on Homeschool

Meet the Expert Speaker

Kathy Kuhl helps parents teach children with learning challenges. After nine years of homeschooling her son with ADHD and dyslexia, and interviewing 64 families with diagnosed learning challenges, she wrote Homeschooling Your Struggling Learner, a handbook for anyone helping children with challenges. She also wrote Staying Sane as You Homeschool and Encouraging Your Child, magazine articles, and a blog. Explore her many resources at LearnDifferently.com. Kathy speaks internationally and has presented at national conferences of CHADD, the Learning Disabilities Association, and the Autism Society. She advises families, providing resources, encouragement, and insight. Kathy graduated from William and Mary, where she earned teaching certificates in English and mathematics.

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