On-Demand Parenting Webinars

“Engaging Career Paths for Teens and Young Adults with ADHD” [Video Replay & Podcast #268]

In this hour-long webinar-on-demand, learn about career paths for teens with ADHD with Rick Fiery.

Episode Description

ADHD brings enormous strengths on the job — if that job is a good fit. But not all professions are ADHD friendly, and not all employers understand the strengths that ADHD minds bring to the workforce. The fact is, it is not always the responsibility of the employer to change the work environment to match an employee’s abilities and needs. It is your responsibility to help your teen or young adult explore career choices that will lead to success, and choose wisely at a young age.

This may appear a daunting challenge, but if teens and young adults are honest about their strengths — and aware of their weaknesses — they can choose a job or career to maximize their chances of success. The real trick is remaining open to the idea that college is not the best path to success for many students, and exploring all alternatives. From there, it’s a matter of continuously building workplace skills after selecting a career, or strengthening executive functions after deciding to pursue college.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How to understand the strengths and weaknesses inherent in ADHD, and their effects on career performance
  • Strategies for trying out a career before attending college or a vocational school
  • Which careers tend to harness and highlight ADHD strengths
  • The best non-traditional career paths for those with ADHD
  • How to find a school — community college, home vs. dorm, night school, vocational school, work-study program — to develop your strengths

Watch the Video Replay

Enter your email address in the box above labeled “Video Replay + Slide Access” to watch the video replay (closed captions available) and download the slide presentation.

Download or Stream the Podcast Audio

Click the play button below to listen in your browser. Mobile users can open this episode in: Apple Podcasts; Google Podcasts; Stitcher; Spotify; Overcast

This ADHD Experts webinar was first broadcast live on April 9, 2019.

Listener testimonials:

  • “Today’s seminar was outstanding and very helpful as my son prepares to graduate from HS this year. Thank you for the great info!”
  • “Great information! My child is still in elementary school with middle school and high school still out there, but I like the idea of maximizing summer time to find passions!”
  • “Fabulous, thank you for normalizing various routes to careers.”
  • “Bring Rick Fiery back again!! Best advice I’ve ever heard regarding ADHD from a college vs. career slant! Excellent advice and great presenter!”

Meet the Expert Speaker:

Rick Fiery is the co-founder of InventiveLabs in Amesbury, Massachusetts. Rick, and co-founder Tom Bergeron, created InventiveLabs because of their passion for helping young adults with learning differences find alternative paths to success. They believe that with the right environment and supports, people with learning differences can achieve substantial success. Program include gap year and entrepreneurship offerings designed to explore careers or create new businesses in an all-accepting environment. (Please watch his TEDx presentation for more details). Prior to InventiveLabs, Rick was the CEO of several startup companies that he created and grew before selling them to strategic buyers.

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