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Take Charge of Your Child’s Medication [Infographic]

This parent’s guide to ADHD medications explains the different between stimulants and nonstimulants, how to tell if your child’s treatment plan is working, and common fixes to side effects.

The decision to try medication is a difficult one. And finding the correct regime can be just as hard. Here’s an overview of ADHD medication options along with the signs and symptoms that it may be time to change your dosage — or the medication itself.

In this free download, you will learn:
Key differences between stimulant and nonstimulant medications for treating attention deficit disorder (ADHD or ADD).
What you need to know about methylphenidate vs. amphetamine.
3 signs your dosage or medication needs adjustment.
Red flags pointing to side effects.
How dosage is determined.
And much more

Also, learn about your choices for extended-release formulations vs. subsequent daily doses.

NOTE: This resource is for personal use only.