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Free Download: Kid-Friendly Mindful Meditation Exercises

10 exercises parents can use to encourage mindful meditation, self-reflection, and improved focus in children with ADHD.

Can Children with ADHD Benefit from Mindfulness?

You’ve heard that mindful meditation can help increase focus, calm a buzzing brain, or reduce symptoms of hyperactivity or impulsivity. And, like many parents, you’d like to incorporate this free, non-medical therapy into your child’s attention deficit disorder (ADHD or ADD) treatment plan — but you may not know how (or when) to get started.

The good news? Mindfulness is possible at any age, and it’s easy to teach your child age-appropriate meditation exercises that will help her calm her body and mind. The key is to tailor activities to your child’s maturity and interest level — and not to expect meditation to be a cure-all for your child’s ADHD. This free resource — filled with 10 easy-to-understand mindfulness exercises that can be adapted for any child’s needs — is a great place to get started.

Your child’s journey towards mindfulness starts here. Download now!

NOTE: This resource is for personal use only.